Hello there!

I'm keeping things simple here so let's go


  • Lanna

  • Also known as Meh, Moe, Yuunyuu or whatever nickname my friends come up with next

  • She/Her or They/Them

  • Adult (20↑)

  • Brazilian

  • Português / English / Español / 日本語(勉強中)

  • Currently a PTBR-JP translation student at university

  • I have this one neat blog in Portuguese

  • Also I'm a big Izumi Iori oshi

I'm a firm believer that, while it can have some influence in specific situations, fiction doesn't equal to reality and liking something problematic in a fictional setting doesn't mean you condone it in real life. I'm not a big fan of many problematic tropes out there, but have friends who are and I know how to curate my online experience to avoid the content most of the time.


  • Idolish7

  • Genshin

  • Digimon

  • Pandora Hearts

  • Konjiki no Gash

  • Anime/manga in general

  • Vocaloid series (Shuuen, Kagepro, Mikagura)

  • Persona (mostly 3)

  • Tales of series (mostly Abyss & Zestiria)

  • Otome, Visual Novels & RPG Maker games

  • Mascot characters & cute things

  • Cosplay, figure collection & itabag making

  • Vocaloid (favs are KAITO and Suzune Ring)

  • Seiyuu stuff

  • Dead mobages (Band Yarouze, Crimson Clan, Yumeiro Cast, I-chu)

  • Horror & scary stuff (but I'm not a big fan of the slasher genre)

  • I'm also lowkey into Hypmic and Enstars!

Don't Follow If

  • You post explicit NSFW on a regular basis (or any sexual content with real people)

  • You are into roleplay or fanfics about real people

  • You use fanarts without the artist's permission

  • You're an antishipper, antifujoshi and/or harass people over fictional stuff

  • You take kinning serious

  • You're part of edtwt or shtwt

  • Fit those basic DNFI criteria (MAPs/homophobic/racist/etc) but I know these people don't read carrds to begin with so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

PS: I'm here for A Good Time so I block people freely. If we never interacted before but you find out I've blocked you, chances are I saw you saying something I Do Not Vibe With and decided that I simply do not want to see that ever again, or believe we would not get along for conflicted opinions on relevant topics. Please respect that and do not try to interact with me.

Image credits

  • きゃぴ堂

  • Alice♥in♥Wonder


  • Purple Cafe

  • Ribonkko House